Therapy Caveat

Therapy Caveat

You may be referred for psychological therapy by your GP, a Psychiatrist, other health professional, or your health insurance companies for a particular therapy based on their assessment of your difficulties. Alternatively you may refer yourself or another family member.

When I first meet with you I will undertake an assessment of the history of the difficulties you present with, to determine what has triggered them to gain a greater understanding of why they have occurred, and what has maintained them.

On the basis of my assessment I will recommend a therapy to you to help you heal or recover from your psychological difficulties. However, on some occasions I may recommend you have further assessment by another mental health professional, as I want to ensure that you get the most appropriate support to alleviate the symptoms and difficulties you present with.

Most of my therapy can be offered either as a face to face session or remotely if there are transportation or illness issues that you are unable to attend clinic. These remote sessions would be carried out via a secure and confidential video link.

It is also often helpful if I can see any past reports that have been written on your behalf by other mental health professionals such as a Psychiatrist, Occupational Therapist, or Speech and Language Therapist

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